Missing That Drum

Labor Day Weekend used to be really important to my family. Starting in the early 90s, we would go to Pow Wow on the local reservation. The first couple years we just went to see the dancers, check out the booths and eat Fry Bread


or “Indian Tacos”


Then, as my ex got more involved with local activism and with tribal matters, we started camping for the full Friday night through Sunday Night Pow Wow.

My ex would work a booth at the Pow Wow. He passed out literature for Leonard Peltier Defence Committee, American Indian Movement, and various other local political issues. He also had buttons and t-shirts for sale. My daughters would run around with the other children, hang out at the circle, hang out at camp or at the booth with their father.

I guess I should mention that my ex is Ojibwe descent from Sault Saint Marie area. The Pow Wow is a local Kumeyaay one.

I mostly stayed at camp during the day, when it was hot. At night I was at the booth or in the bleachers listening to the drum and watching the dancers.

These are good memories. Memories of when my ex was sober and I was healthy and my family was happy.

I haven’t been to Pow Wow in years. The grove of eucalyptus trees we camped in has been seriously thinned out. The Hotel/Casino caters food for the dancers. A lot has changed and it doesn’t feel the same.

We took Ben when he was one year old. His birthday is September 2, so it’s during Labor Day weekend. He seemed to enjoy the drum, but even at one we knew there was something different about him. We didnt get his autism diagnosis until two years later. That was the last time I went. I want to remember it the way it was.

I do miss the drum though.




(images from wiki, except featured image link)

33 thoughts on “Missing That Drum

  1. You brought back so many memories of Pow Wows’ I have been to. I also love the drum and ingot to participate in one of the dances too. Wonderful experience. Thanks for sharing. I felt like I was there.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Good Morning, Angie! Thank you for sharing this bit of history. I really enjoyed watching the tribal dancers, their costumes are so elaborate.
    It’s funny how we tend to focus on bad memories, but a good one will sneak up on us and make us smile. This memory of yours sounds so special and fun, not to mention, really exciting.
    Although most of my childhood memories of my father are by far not the greatest because of his drinking, one in a while I will reflect on a happy memory of when the family actually felt like an all American Norman Rockwell family. Those days were so far and in between, but they are still fond ones nevertheless.
    Again, I’m so happy you were able to share this will all of us. I really enjoyed the videos. 💃 🕺🔥🥁 ⛺️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed it. The dancers’ regalia (what their outfits are called) are very cool. They have different styles for different dancing styles. There’s traditional and fancy. Their regalia is each personalized and hand made. Each one is a work of art.
      Native culture is something I dont talk much about since I’m so white I glow, but I did learn a lot from my ex.

      Falling asleep in a tent with the drum and the singer’s in the background was so wonderful. Great memories.
      I still play drum music sometimes.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re so white you glow? I love that one! We could be twins I guess. LOL! 🤣
        I used to love being in the sun, but my medication doesn’t work well with the sun and heat. Ah, the joys of having mental illness… Can’t even enjoy the outdoors. Have to always do things first thing in the morning, or at dusk.
        Right now, listening to drums and singers sound lovely to fall asleep to. LOL!
        The house is so wonderfully quiet, I soooo see a nap in my future. LOL! 😴

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Hope you liked what I did with the ending. I have been away for the last three days so this is the first time that I have been able to get back to you. Thanks for buying. Hope you are well and that this makes you even weller…

        Liked by 1 person

            1. So I have all of the 1st now. Awesome. Looking forward to seeing the 2nd getting cleaned up. It is a good story but the editing wasn’t great in places. And YES! A 3rd. I’ve been wanting the conclusion.

              I commented on your posts, they might be in your WP spam folder. I’ve had WP & Akismet working on the problem and hopefully it’s fixed and my comments will go through again.

              Liked by 1 person

                  1. You’ve read it without the house-clean. It’s all spruced-up and ready for a quick read. Bloody hell the writing was a bit antique at times. Don’t know how you managed to wade through it. It is good, though, and and has benefited from a proof-read. Funny as well.

                    Liked by 1 person

                    1. I bought the newer, cleaner version for the bargain price of $1.22 USD.
                      I’m behind on my reading ☹ I will get to the reread of this after my current book and after the 4 sections of the first book.
                      Also, the link for the UK won’t let us Yanks buy…here is the link for U.S.

                      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Robyn!😍 Eleven!! 😮
      We sang to him and he said “presents”.😏 I guess kids are kids autism or not😂
      The plan is to take him swimming at the pool in Auntie’s complex later. Then BBQ his favorite “fire chicken” (because its cooked on the fire). Hopefully things go smoothly.🤞


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