Winter Solstice

Hiya, Hey, and Howdy 👋 This is just a quickie to wish everyone a Happy Winter Solstice! The shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. Any folks in the Southern Hemisphere will be celebrating Summer Solstice, so maybe I should just change it to Happy Solstice 🤔

Things at the Casa are about to get even more Cuckoo than usual. Not only is Ben home on Winter Break, but we got a call yesterday that my “son” (a stray child that was “adopted” into the family in his teens cuz our house was safe and accepting, and I have always mothered everyone) is in the U.S. instead of Mexico City with his husband, and will be staying with us Thursday thru Sunday.😲 Alrighty then…

All of that is the explanation for why I might be around less than I already am. Here are some pictures of Sven the Grumpy Dragon. He always makes me giggle, hopefully he’ll do the same for you. And if you get really bored, there are slide shows and videos of sky stuff here.

I’ll try to get caught up on my comments, and finish my #SLS post for the 26th, but I’m not gonna stress on any of it. I have quite enough stress, and little enough sleep. Whaaa whaaa whaaa… yes, I would enjoy some cheese with my whine, TYVM!

I can be reached by email via my Contact page if anyone wants to chat privately. Stay safe and smile as often as possible, it gives you better wrinkles😉



